Faster, more secure connection.

Work smart with the Liqway method,

the easy way to get a dry and reliable weld.

Liqway Hi-Temp

Discover our latest product Liqway Hi-Temp.

Standard dimensions from DN25 to DN150.

Made to withstand heat.

Our Liqway kits offer Liqway W70P wet suction device and heat-resistant hose.

Drain the water using the Liqway method.

Water left in the pipes makes it difficult to repair and maintain local district heating networks. A slow drain or leaking valve can turn professional welding work into waiting times, delays and emergency solutions. After another late night on an assignment, we got an idea.

The result was the Liqway method, which replaces hatch welding and other improvised solutions. With our suction nozzles, you quickly lead the water away through the pipe joint or via a cut in the pipe.

With a wet vacuum and suction nozzle in the right size ready before each connection, interruption times can be drastically reduced.

The design has been approved by the industry’s quality body and is used today by both energy companies and well established pipe contractors.

The Liqway method

The easy way to get dry, reliable welds

Save time/Euro 69 a month.

With the Liqway method, you are always ready to solve drainage problems. The operation does not have to shut down unnecessarily, the subscribers get the heating facilities back faster, district heating operators save maintenance costs and employees can return home on time.

Instead you can subscribe to a set with a smart adapter and five suction nozzles for Euro 69 a month, without a lock-in period. The adapter registers every single use when you use a nozzle and help you invoice the cost further.

Our smart adapter automatically produces invoicing data that makes the savings worthwhile, both for you and the local district local district heating operator.

Purchase also available.

Customer Quotes